On 2/23/17 8:41 AM, Jason Kurtz wrote:
> Actually alot of projects use and depend on VirtualGL. I think the
> intersection of GPL apps that could connect to it on Android. You would
> get alot more funding then you think. The user supported pro version of
> bvnc is a good example with 1-5k purchases at 5 bucks a pop. I have
> compiled it on armhf running custom ubuntu 14.04 rom I made for one of
> my droid boxes to dualboot ubuntu and used the oracle jre and it blew
> away everything on arm system. 

It may be possible to monetize the Android viewer once it's developed,
but as an independent developer, I cannot engage in that kind of
speculative venture.  If I spent two months of full-time labor
productizing this and it didn't earn money quickly, I'd be unable to pay
my rent.  If the app did make money, then it would likely do so on the
strength of users outside of the existing VirtualGL/TurboVNC community,
and that would put me in the position of doing a lot of work that
distracts from the fundamental goals of this project (for instance,
supporting the Android viewer with servers other than ours.)  My goal in
producing an Android TurboVNC viewer would be primarily to extend the
reach of remote hardware-accelerated 3D applications to that client
platform, not to produce a general-purpose VNC viewer for Android.
That's why I feel that the best business model would be to find a
company that needs the technology, encourage them to pay for its
development, and release the app for free.  A free app would reduce the
pressure on me to make the app be all things to all users.  It's a
matter of resource constraints as much as anything.  I have a lot on my
plate right now, and there is a lot of lower-hanging fruit than this.
Creating a kickstarter and such takes time that I don't have.

My thoughts are based on 12+ years of experience as the primary
developer and sole maintainer of these projects, as well as 8+ years of
having to solicit money from the VirtualGL and TurboVNC and
libjpeg-turbo communities in order to pay my bills.  I don't claim to be
100% right all the time, but I have a better chance of predicting the
behavior of the communities I created than anyone else does.  My gut
feeling is that they may be willing to pony up a buck for this app after
it's created, but probably not before.

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