I think this would be a really nice feature. To implement this without 
changes to the VNC server or viewer, I think the dispatcher would have to act 
as a VNC proxy. That is, it would have to implement the RFB protocol and act 
as both a client and a server. The viewer would first connect to the 
dispatcher, and when the user is authenticated and has chosen a session the 
dispatcher would connect to the VNC server and act as a viewer. Unless it's 
possible to somehow make a direct connection between two open sockets, all 
the traffic would then have to pass through the dispatcher.

Maybe it could be done by modifying the protocol so that authentication could 
be done with both username and password, and so that the server could tell 
the viewer to connect to another server. The viewer would then first 
authenticate itself to the dispatcher - which would be a special VNC server - 
and remember the username and the password. After letting the user choose a 
session, the dispatcher would tell the viewer to connect to the server with 
that session. The viewer would connect to the specified server and go through 
the authentication again with the same username and password. I think this 
would be the easiest way to do it, but changes to the protocol might not be 
very popular.

Another way would be to split the server in two halves - the RFB server end 
and the X server end - and let them communicate in some way, probably by 
shared memory. Only the X half would then keep running between connections. 
The dispatcher would be integrated in the RFB half. One instance of the RFB 
half would keep running to act as the dispatcher (possibly with an X half 
connected to help viewing a session choosing window), and after 
authentication and session choosing would fork off a child process, which 
would either connect to a running X half or spawn a new one. This would be 
compatible with existing viewers, but I have no idea how easily the server 
could be split.

Bjvrn Persson
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