Several people have e-mailed to ask why I haven't joined the blog-game of posting my political compass score.

Answer: even by the standards of these kinds of things I find the political compass questions hopelessly weird. This thing has been online for years and I occasionally go back to it to see whether it's as weird as I remember-- lots of questions that have no apparent relationship to politics as I understand it, lots of questions that I don't even know what a real answer to them would look like.

And I don't get the same results on successive retakings, so there's no reliable score to report. I'm not saying that the software miscalculates. I'm saying that, to many of the questions, I don't give the same answers on successive retakings and I can't even remember what I said before. I leave some questions blank, squint real hard at others and decide that I guess I can say something. If I wait a couple of days between retakings my score can jump around a lot even when I'm consciously trying to approximate the answers I gave before-- and sometimes it can jump pretty far away from any reasonable assessment about my political views. And my underlying political disposition just doesn't change that much from day to day.

Have any of the bloggers who've publicly recorded their scores retaken the quiz?

Posted by Jacob Levy to The Volokh Conspiracy at 11/7/2003 11:35:13 AM

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