
                The EM drive link is 



[snip] Actually, the untreated powdered alloy is pyrophoric, but once it has

treated with sodium hydroxide, I believe it is much safer. It can be bought

this form.[/snip]


>From wiki: Raney nickel is produced when a block of nickel-aluminium alloy
is treated with concentrated sodium
<>  hydroxide. This treatment,
called "activation", dissolves most of the aluminium out of the alloy. The
porous structure left behind has a large surface area, which gives high
catalytic activity. The ratio of nickel to aluminium is around 1 for the
original material used by Raney, and may vary from about 1 to 4.

Please forward any links Regarding the sale of" unactivated"  Rayney Nickel
. I did look into this previously intending to use Drano to activate but
maybe I got bad information.


I don't follow your logic in this [snip] These so-called "Virtual" Photons
do not last long enough to hit a wall and 
leave the cavity.  The only photons coming out of the cavity formed just

the event horizon. [/snip]

 Where did the event horizon come from? Do your virtual photons remain
spatial or can I apply my relativisticl interpertation? I am presently
reviewing similar dialogue with Thomas Prevenslik under Sci Blog replies
or see snips below






>From Blog :

Fran and I do not agree on the Casimir effect. Specifically, I do not
believe the zero point field (ZPF) exists as Casimir claimed in 1949. 

We know the zero point energy (ZPE) for atoms and molecules exists. But
there is absolutely no evidence for the ZPF. Today, astronomers infer the
existence of the ZPF (or dark energy) based on an expanding Universe. But
this is fallacious because the redshift that Hubble measured was most like
due to absorption of the galaxy photon in submicron cosmic dust and not due
to the Doppler effect. See at 2009 under Cosmology and
Cosmic Dust, paper "Dark Enegy and Cosmic Dust"

So that brings us to what is being measured in the Casimir experiments
today. Fran says I have argued that thermodynamics in combination with
electrostatic charging is the source of the Casimir effect. That was my
first attempt to explain the Casimir effect without the ZPF. 

Since then, I have made the argument that the Casimir effect is caused by
the thermal blackbody radiation emitted in the FIR by atoms in the surface
of Casimir's plates. Electrostatic charging is not invoked. By this theory,
wavelengths L > 2G are excluded from the gap G as Casimir asumed. But unlike
Casimnr and his followers, I do not throw away the excluded EM energy from
the gap. Instead, I conserve the excluded EM energy by creating UV and
higher energy photons having wavelength L = 2G in the gap. In effect, the
gap acts as a FIR frequency up-conversion device as required by the
conservation of energy. Unfortunately, Casimir did not conserve EM energy
and this has been going on by his followers for over a half century.

The EM energy U in the gap depends on the kT energy of the surface atoms and
is constant as the gap G changes. For N surface and subsurface atoms, U ~
NkT, and therefore there is no Casimir force F in the conventional sense,
i.e., F = dU/dG = 0. However the EM energy density U/G^3 is not constant. It
is the gradient of EM energy density at the surfaces in combination with the
polarizability of the surface atoms that produces equal and opposite force
on the gap surfaces. See Ibid, Casimir Effect, paper "Casimir Update". 

Unlike Casimir followers, I only believe in what is known to exist -
blackbody thermal radiation. I leave the ZPF to the philosophers.

Thomas Prevenslik

------------------------ My Reply

either model works

Thomas, nice to hear from you, I have no problem with your interpretation,
the end result is the same as long as long as the virtual photons are
inexhaustable. You mention " I do not throw away the excluded EM energy from
the gap. Instead, I conserve the excluded EM energy by creating UV and
higher energy photons having wavelength L = 2G in the gap. In effect, the
gap acts as a FIR frequency up-conversion device as required by the
conservation of energy." which lends support to work by Beck and Mackey that
virtual particles below 2thz are more gravitationally active or slows time
flow, ie upconverting to a higher frequency would be less gravitationally
active or accelerates time flow. I simply think you focused on a small band
of frequencies while it was actually the entire environment that was up
converted because time is accelerated,

your conclusion is, "The EM energy U in the gap depends on the kT energy of
the surface atoms and is constant as the gap G changes. For N surface and
subsurface atoms, U ~ NkT, and therefore there is no Casimir force F in the
conventional sense, i.e., F = dU/dG = 0. However the EM energy density U/G^3
is not constant. It is the gradient of EM energy density at the surfaces in
combination with the polarizability of the surface atoms that produces equal
and opposite force on the gap surfaces" This is still based on the cube of
the gap in the denominator, using energy measured in what by definition is a
"catalyst", Once we have a better understanding of the true nature of
catalytic action I think we will discover your definition is absolutely
equivalent to Casimir effect.



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