This is a depressing exchange at FreeRepublic. That is a depressing website.

I gave up on discussions of this nature years ago. I figure there is no
point to arguing with people who will not do their homework. They have no
interest in learning the truth. I think it is better to seek out people who
are friendly toward cold fusion, and who want to learn about it.
Fortunately, thousands of such people visit LENR-CANR every week. So I
think the way to make progress is to write good papers and upload them.
Really good papers belong in Biberian's journal, which is published by
CMNS, and copied to and maybe to other sites.

I am glad that Kevin went to the trouble to preserve this exchange. We
should file away copies of things like this from time to time, for future
historians. They will see what we were up against. In the past, after
scientific disputes were settled, I suppose much of the losing arguments
were lost.

The latest message in this exchange is more of the same:

Why won’t you tell people your “published data” won’t heat a teakettle?

The answer is: "That is incorrect. In some cases cold fusion cells have
produced 100 W or more, and they have boiled 10 to 50 ml of water
continuously for hours or in a few cases, for months."

That would be the answer, but I see no point to posting it.

Incidentally, for people who are looking for introductory material, some of
the documents I recommend are here:

Scroll down to "Papers for the general reader"

- Jed

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