Michael Foster wrote:
--- On Thu 02/24, Frederick Sparber < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

>> Clouds of antimony trichloride are given off at the same time.
>>Hence the term Explosive Antimony is given to a solid solution( 4 to 12
>> percent )of the trihalide in alpha-antimony."

> > The heat of combustion of H2 + 1/2 O2 is 54,000 calories per mole
>> (18 grams) , or 3.000 calories per gram.

> >The 19,600 calories per gram released by Explosive Antimony is
> > over 6 times this.

> > What role does Hydrogen play at the cathode, during electrolysis?

> > LENR-CANR Connection?   Hydrinos too?

> Good question.  Of course, we don't know if this is O/U as there
> is no data on the current used to deposit the antimony on the
> cathode.
My table of gram equivalents for Antimony (Atomic wt. 121.76) and Chlorine (Atomic wt.35.457)
gives 1.514 grams deposited per ampere-hour for Antimony, and 1.323 grams per ampere-hour for
Assuming 6.0 volts cell potential the input power would be 6.0 watts or 6.0 joules per second
0r 21,600 joule/hr for 1.514 grams of Antimony plated out, or 14,000 joule per plated-out gram.
The 84,000 joule per gram Explosive Antimony output, in addition to the energy recovered by
recombining the plated-out Antimony with the liberated Chlorine to get back Antimony Trichloride
SbCl3, sure looks O/U, doesn't it?

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