From: James Bowery 

Ø  I must have misunderstood what you just said because hydrinos are ash, not 
fuel, so the reaction will stop.


There is a progressive range of 137 stable fractional levels (Rydberg 
multiples) which hydrogen electron orbitals can assume, according to Mills’ 
theory – each one more energetic than the one before. None of them are the 
functional equivalent of ash, even the last. 


Plus – due to inverse square – each state has great magnetic susceptibility, so 
they will be retained when nickel (ferromagnet) is present. Thus – the 
retention of lower states provides the phenomenon of “heat after death” or as 
Rossi and Parkhomov have shown – the re-ignition of an once active tube after a 


If only electron angular momentum were recovered, there would be a continual 
energy release until all hydrogen had been reduced to the lowest state. Even 
then, according to non-Millsean theory – the “virtual neutron” which results 
from the complete shrinkage is active for real fusion. In practice, real fusion 
seldom happens as it would produce gamma radiation. Thus a few gammas can be 
present but far less than needed to account for the heat.


Mills theory is available on the BLP website




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