Hi Mark,


> The NYT article is so blatantly one-sided, but of course, you know that...

> at least, I hope you do.


It's been my experience that when someone feigns praise upon another
person's alleged intelligence but then immediately turns around and
questions whether the praise they had just endorsed was truly warranted -
that is nothing more than a covert way of implying that the person they have
a disagreement with is not only ignorant, they also want that person to feel
stupid about their own alleged ignorance.


Setting my alleged ignorance aside, who are these "outside groups"? What
control and regulation do we  have over them? Any???


It's not the amount of money spent on the 2012 election that concerns me.
Due to the aftermath of Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission
ruling we are now witnessing an unregulated frenzy of money being spent in
the political campaign arena in ways never seen before witnessed. Making
matters worse, we are no allowed to know who or where that money comes from.
The ruling flabbergasted me.  How the hell did corporations become people,
as Romney famously once said? It seems to me that if corporate entities can
now be considered a person, shouldn't that also mean that that "person"
should only be allowed to donate the same amount of cash to a political
cause as a living breathing person, like you or me is allowed? But is that
happening??? The blatant unaccountability of who and where that money comes
from scares the bajesus out of me. IMHO, it ought to scare bajesus out of
anyone who believes in a democracy where each citizen's vote (along their
personal financial resources) should count and be accounted for as no more
or no less than anyone else's vote.


In the years to come as we now go about the process of vetting the next
leader of the free world, doesn't the lack of accountability of where all
that unleashed money will come from and what it is going to be spent on
concern you just a teensy weeny little bit?


"Follow the money."



Steven Vincent Johnson




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