From: Jack Cole 
*       I wrote a short post about two papers that are of interest, but are 
negative regarding Ni+LAH. Jean-Paul Biberian has conducted a series of 
experiments with the Parkhomov formula … after some 20 experiments utilizing 
mass flow calorimetry revealed no excess heat.  Additionally, Budko and 
Korshunov report a series of 17 experiments generating no excess heat…. My 
conclusion at this point is that nickel and LiAlH4 does not reliably produce 
excess heat, and if it does at all, it is rare.
Yes that seems to be the painful lesson; and given many other failures not 
reported - it is very obvious that Rossi may have forfeited any chance of a 
valid patent, since he held back on details which have prohibited those 
“skilled in the art” from replicating the effect. 
Many observers seem to have an opinion about what was left out, but fortunately 
Leif Holmlid may have come to the rescue with a catalyst known to produce dense 
hydrogen. A population of dense hydrogen may be required.
BTW Jack – if memory serves, you used iron oxide and potassium in an early 
experiment which melted the heating wire. Looking back at that incident - what 
is the possibility that large gain from dense hydrogen reacted at once to cause 
the runaway?

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