From: Axil Axil

*       This article shows how a strong magnetic field destroys color in matter 
to produce mesons.

Although this paper is about the extreme magnetic fields (10^15 T) of heavy 
ions in a very hot plasma, there could be relevance to what we are talking 
about in much colder conditions … surprisingly… this is because the orbital 
size of dense deuterium is reduced to a few picometers (2.3 pm) according to 

We can assume that inverse square applies, no? At the Bohr radius (53 pm), the 
electron of a deuteron supplies a field of 12.5 Tesla. When the orbital is 
reduced by a factor of 24, this would put the effective field very high but 
less … but certainly QCD should be affected. There is even an argument that 
inverse square goes to inverse cube at picometers….

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