As a cold fusion experimentalist it is astonishing to see such experiments 
being done with so few thermocouples. They are incredibly cheap and using many 
for redundancy purposes is just common sense.  It used to be that the data 
channels were in short supply but these days many data channels is also very 
available. Thermocouples commonly fail for many reasons, especially when 
pushing their limits. Sigh :(  Even if data channels are few just add extra 
thermocouples and manually switch the wiring to redundants if one fails! It 
takes but a moment.


From: Bob Higgins [] 
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New paper from Jiang in Chinese


I was interested enough in Dr. Jiang's latest paper that I went to the trouble 
to do a proper translation from Chinese to English.  Google translate just 
wasn't good enough.  If you read through the Google translate version, you skip 
over things that Google didn't translate well enough - and in fact, there were 
some gems hidden in there.

For your reading pleasure ... on my Google Drive 

Bob Higgins


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