Peter Gluck <> wrote:

> I was not babbling about the impossibility of making errors with a
> flowmeter I have told exactly that your statement:
> "*"Anyone knowledgeable about flowmeters can tell you a dozen ways to
> make the answer 10 times too large."*
> *is false and offensive etc. It is not about errors it is about
> manipulating results- inflating readings.*

Dekalion manipulated results and inflated reading using one of the
techniques described in this guide. I am sure they did this deliberately.

The guide is meant to teach people how to avoid mistakes, but it can just
as easily be used as a guide for cheating. I think it is likely Rossi &
Penon used a similar guide to cheat. Either that, or they are monumentally
stupid, and they happened to pick the wrong flow meter and use it the wrong
way, and that just happened to give the answer they were looking for.

> *Please abstain from using dirty rhetorical tricks.. *

Rhetorical tricks have nothing to do with this.

- Jed

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