THANK YOU Esa for giving those few seconds of sweet music. I can't wait to work with you more on the next movie.

Love Love LOVE,

On 7/9/16 3:16 AM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
Hi guys!

Any thoughts on this documentary? Ruby from ColdFusionNow used two of my tunes in it, briefly, and it is apparently a nice documentary or something. Here's some information:

/Anomalous Effects in Dueterated Systems/ documents the work of Dr. Melvin Miles, a US Navy electrochemist who first correlated the excess heat generated from palladium-deuterium systems with the production of helium as a nuclear product.

/Anomalous Effects/ takes Cold Fusion Now! video to a new evolution with the addition of title music by the excellent Esa Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster, an electronic musician based in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. I hope you found the sounds elevating as I did.

Vist Esa’s website here <> and purchase music by Esa at

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