Rossi's transmutation results imply that the mechanism for nucleon transfer
comes by way of energy transfer and sub atomic particle condensation inside
the nucleus, and not particle transfer coming through the coulomb barrier..

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Ruby <> wrote:

> THANK YOU Esa for giving those few seconds of sweet music.  I can't wait
> to work with you more on the next movie.
> Love Love LOVE,
> Ruby
> On 7/9/16 3:16 AM, Esa Ruoho wrote:
> Hi guys!
> Any thoughts on this documentary? Ruby from ColdFusionNow used two of my
> tunes in it, briefly, and it is apparently a nice documentary or something.
> Here's some information:
> *Anomalous Effects in Dueterated Systems* documents the work of Dr. Melvin
> Miles, a US Navy electrochemist who first correlated the excess heat
> generated from palladium-deuterium systems with the production of helium as
> a nuclear product.
> *Anomalous Effects* takes Cold Fusion Now! video to a new evolution with
> the addition of title music by the excellent Esa Ruoho a.k.a. Lackluster,
> an electronic musician based in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. I hope you found the
> sounds elevating as I did.
> Vist Esa’s website here <> and purchase music
> by Esa at
> Your support is crucial to artists.--
> ---
> //  <>
> // +358403703659 //
> skype:esajuhaniruoho // // iMessage:
> //

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