Bob, you asked my first question on this… that silver exclusion is odd. 


From: Bob Higgins [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2016 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dirac's sea, the EM Drive and Weyl fermions


Jones, can you supply a reference or references that show that the Shawer drive 
doesn't work with silver and stainless steel as you state below?

Also, according to Hotson, an epo is massless because of the spinor nature of 
the degenerate orbits shared between the electron and its positron phase-twin.  
Positronium is an orbiting electron and positron that are in normal orbits 
(above degenerate, have not given off the dual 511 keV photons).  Positronium 
has a mass of essentially twice that of the electron.  There are no free 
electrons in the negative Dirac sea - only epos.  So a free electron always has 

Also, in this Weyl fermion discussion of electrons not having mass, is the 
description that it has no apparent inertial mass?  No gravitational mass?  
Making gravitational mass dissapear would be a neat trick.  How can inertial 
mass disappear without gravitational mass also disappearing?  Or are we just 
talking about a balance of forces?


On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 7:43 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

There is a complex web of cross-connections between HTSC (high temperature 
superconductivity), Weyl fermions, an active aether, copper-oxides, and the RF 
resonant cavity thruster of Shawyer et al (the EM drive). The cross-connections 
are ill-defined at present and could be coincidental, but we can take notice of 
the various links and use that information to steer research.

This is especially interesting if we can define an “aether” in such a way that 
it cannot be discredited. One way is via the theory of Don Hotson. The epo or 
BEC is based on Dirac’s equation and theories – as is all of Hotson’s 
“interpretation of Dirac” and this aether-like field consists entirely of 
massless electrons, possibly now defined as Weyl fermions, in the context of 
massless positronium. 

It makes sense to suggest that the Weyl fermion, which has been recently 
confirmed as real, is indeed an outlier of the same aether-species of Hotson. 
Since the BEC (as aether) is fully contained throughout another more basic 
spatial dimension or foundation (which can be “reciprocal space” or 1D) it 
would not be unexpected to find some of these massless electrons escaping into 
our 3-Space, and apparently they are coaxed out of the aether dimension via 
various “semimetals” which are also superconductive oxides. Wheeler’s “quantum 
foam” may be additional evidence of bleed-over from an epo field into 3-space.

The Meissner effect is usually explained as the expulsion of magnetic flux by a 
superconductor in a magnetic field, but that may be a partial understanding. 
The phenomenon would be explained differently if we focus on an aether composed 
of Weyl fermions as Dirac’s sea. This would indicate that Meissner repulsion 
can become (at least partly) a Coulomb’s Law effect - instead of only 
inductive. Probably it is a bit of both and possibly this combined effect 
relates to the tiny thrust of the EM drive, where the cavity asymmetry creates 
a “wake” of virtual Weyl fermions.

A final piece of the puzzle seems to be that only copper works for the frustum 
of the EM drive, which would naturally have a copper oxide coating. Silver and 
stainless steel have been tried and don’t work. Copper oxides can become 
superconductive at high temperature, most often when compounded with other 
elements. However, there is evidence of that a thin copper oxide coating would 
have some properties of HTSC on a transitory basis.

An interesting detail is the implication that CuO could be a Weyl semimetal and 
transient HTSC. CuO possibly only works in a very thin layer which explains why 
some cavities work better than others. 

It would be most intriguing if transient HTSC can be further linked to the Weyl 
fermion and to copper oxide and to reactionless thrust. Don Hotson may have 
posthumously shown us the way.


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