On 09/02/2016 11:07 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Also, because an earlier version of the report supposedly had higher numbers, which were replaced with 0.0 bar in the later version.

Thanks for that nugget. It made the time spent following this whole thread worthwhile. :-) (When people do that sort of thing in my business they can find themselves in jail -- but then our biggest customer is the government and they play hardball with fraud.)

And BTW if it's supposed to be barG, then quite aside from the issue of how the steam is forced through the pipe with zero applied pressure, we also have the problem of an unknown boiling point for pure water at the site, since we don't know the atmospheric pressure.

And .... obvious point ... if the water in the reservoir was seriously dirty, as you mentioned in an earlier note, then it wasn't pure water, which in turn implies it very probably had a higher boiling point than pure water.

This all makes it very hard to assess the steam quality.

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