

You are always most welcome to echo my blog posts. The New Year has begun and 
after being in hibernation for the past month or so I am beginning to be 
reinvigorated. There is too much to do to deliver several ocean pasture 
restorations this year and get my danged ‘dusty plasma ready kilowatt’ heater 
into production. Only a few bugs left to squash. By the way you’ll be 
interested to know that hot gas phase NiD, aka Quarks, make 4He as do similar 
AgD devices, aka Millquarks!


Cold Fusing as always


Russ George




From: Peter Gluck [] 
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Quark soup life is like a box of chocolates, you never know 
what you are going to get ;)


it is my pleasure to sif=gnal your fine paper.

Bob is my good friend too like you, no problem if you have different opinions.

best wishes,



On Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 8:40 PM, Russ George < 
<> > wrote:

Bob Cook and I disagree about the reality of ‘quarks’, having had the good 
fortune of being tutored many times on quarks by a dear friend who won the 
Nobel Prize for their discovery I favour their existence, Bob does not. They 
are very convenient in understanding the ecology of cold fusion. Now whether 
nucleons exist or not and where is another question. Here’s my post on the 



Dr. Peter Gluck

Cluj, Romania

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