I doubt the Empire State Building would have collapsed if a jet liner
crashed into it. If the twin towers were built like clipper ships, the
Empire State building was built like a battle ship.


Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
>> We certainly have!  The chief designer gave a presentation on it
>> shortly after the collapse.  IIRC, he explained exactly what had
>> happened, how it came down, how the floors pancaked . . .
>> As I recall, he was said to have finished by sobbing, "I wish they'd
>> stayed up a little longer!"
> I think I remember seeing something like that on the Discovery
> Channel. Several experts were interviewed. The guy I recall, who said
> he tried to contact the authorities in New York, was a leading
> British structural engineer. In other words, many different experts
> independently predicted the collapse before it occurred, and many
> others examined the steel and other components from the building to
> confirm the sequence of events. There were no surprises and no major
> unanswered questions. There is no need -- or room -- for the kinds of
> doubts and conspiracy theories and urban myths that Jones is
> peddling. To paraphrase G. K. Chesterton, Jones shows that when a man
> stops believing in experiments, he will believe in anything.
> Several of the experts interviewed said they were amazed the
> buildings stayed up as long as they did, and it was a credit to the
> designers. They said they did not think any other building then
> standing would have held up better. In light of these events, some
> skyscrapers built after 9/11 have been reinforced more, and they
> might survive better.
> The buildings were designed to withstand an accidental impact from
> the largest airplanes in service when they were built. Unfortunately,
> airplanes are now bigger, and they carry more fuel.
> - Jed

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