The site says the ten most viewed answers in the last 30 days. Yesterday I was 
tenth at 220 views. Today I see someone replaced me with 223 views. But my new 
standing is now 19th at 110 views. I don't understand how they count things 
here if the views can just change to half their former value. Actually I see 
what must be happening here. My three cited answers all have the word "time 
dilation" in their title. Some kind of search engine must pick up on this. But 
looking at the three answers I had in my category there was ~200, 500 and 300 
views which was over 1000. The new replacement in the top ten also had over a 
thousand views from his cited seven answers, but evidently in quora's 
measurement system, once they put you in the top ten; you get a double credit 
from the amount of actual views being recorded. What probably happened is that 
some one in the academic world said we can't have HDN in the top ten so twist 
some screws and pull some levers and make him magically disappear from the top 
ten list. Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

    On Monday, June 5, 2017 12:01 PM, Harvey Norris <> wrote:

  Just made it to the bottom of the list.Most Viewed Writers in Time Dilation - 
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Most Viewed Writers in Time Dilation - Quora
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Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances


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