The experiment log for AURA (me356) is at

There are links to the data files in that document, but no post-analysis has been done.

To summarize, we consider it a good null experiment. Some ultrasonic and RF signals were seen, but no other (nuclear) radiation was detected, and no excess heat.


On 6/20/2017 9:17 AM, Brian Ahern wrote:

Alan, where is your report on Me356/?

*From:* AlanG <>
*Sent:* Monday, June 19, 2017 7:22 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?
Nickel and Silver are mutually insoluble (or only with great difficulty) as has been pointed out. Following Jones' original post, I'm preparing a simple experiment to test "mechanical alloying". I will ball-mill ~2 um powders of the two metals for several hundred hours, using 3/8" tungsten carbide balls for media. SEM/EDS will be used to examine the resulting mixture.

If the results appear to be successful, a further test will be done by exposing the amalgam to flowing hydrogen at various temperatures, looking for radiation as a signature of nuclear activity. Advice and suggestions for this test are welcome.


On 6/19/2017 7:46 PM, wrote:

Jones and Bob—

Bob is correct rfegarding terminology for alloys. An alloy has an ionic bond between metallic nuclei as I understand. But those bonds may only occur at grain boundaries with individual grains of the “quasi-alloy” being in bulk one or the other metallic element.

However the smaller the grains, the more ionic bi-metallic alloy you get.

With this concept in mind starting a manufacturing process for Ni-Ag “alloy” would use nano sized metallic particles and proiceed to obtain a homogeneous mixture of the two metals, evacuate the mixture and hot press the mixture with various sintering times to allow a variety of heats and LENR properties.

Homogeneous mixing is the key. Cryogenic conditions using a liquid gas such as nitrogen or helium may help avoid clumping of like metal particles during mixing. Jones suggestion of a rapid ball milling procedure (with an inert cryogenic fluid) may work well. Maybe merely a tumbling mixing would work. However, I would guess that ball milling would further attrite the Ni and or Ag nano-particles and assure good mixing.

The N or helium should coat each particle with atoms to avoid clumping. When the fluid mixture is poured in to a hot press mold evacuated and hot pressed, the individual Ni and Ag particles should remain well mixed as the N gas (or other gas) evaporates from its position around reach individual particle. Boundary exchange of particle nuclei may then occur at temperature.

An interesting alternative would be to use liquid H with precautions to handle a reaction should LENR conditions be right. This may result in a bi-metallic hydride ripe for LENR with correct resonant stimulation and ambient magnetic conditions.


Bob Cook

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*From: *Bob Higgins <>
*Sent: *Monday, June 19, 2017 7:41 AM
*To: * <>
*Subject: *[Vo]:"Type A nickel" ?

Jones, As you have discussed, the Type A Pd that appears to be LENR active is an actual alloy. In an alloy you expect an atomic level crystal lattice alteration - the lattice constants of the alloy are uniform and different than with Pd alone. However, what you describe as a "mechanical alloy" is unlikely to be anything other than an admixture of grains of Ag with grains of Ni. An "alloy" and a "mechanical alloy" are two vastly different things. It is sort of like the nickel silver not having any silver - the mechanical alloy has no alloy.

True alloying would alter the lattice constants by creating a new crystal structure incorporating the alloy metal at the basic atomic crystallographic level; hopefully in a way that allows more H to enter the lattice. Also, forming a true alloy would potentially lower the vacancy formation energy of the Ni; which, in some theories would raise the LENR rate. OTOH, if a "mechanical alloy" is formed, the only difference achieved will be creation of dirty grain boundaries between solid grains of Ni and Ag. It is possible that effects could occur at such grain boundaries, so it can't hurt to try. It is just hard to envision what would promote LENR by creating a "mechanical alloy".

On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM, Jones Beene < <>> wrote:

    One further detail about the possible advantage of using silver
    alloyed with nickel in LENR, instead of pure nickel - with
    hydrogen as the gaseous reactant, instead of deuterium.

    If this were to work for LENR gain, the identity of the nuclear
    reaction is not the same. Obviously, such an alloy as Ni-Ag
    (assuming it is made via mechanical alloying)... would be
    unlikely to produce helium from fusion, as happens in Pd-D...
    since there is no deuterium (although a alpha emission following
    proton nuclear tunneling is not ruled out.) But there is an ideal
    alternative reaction.

    First - a detail which you may not be aware of is the composition
    of control rods in nuclear fission reactors going back 50 years.
    As it turns out - silver has been commonly used as an alloy in
    control rods, along with boron. Part of the explanation is here
    but there is more to it than meets the eye. Silver is like a
    magnet for neutrons more so than any other element across the
    entire spectrum.

    In short, silver has a high cross section for neutrons of all
    energies whereas boron and cadmium and other absorbents generally
    work with neutrons of a narrow energy range. Silver wants them
    all and this could imply more, if Ag works with nickel.

    But where are the neutrons to being with? - oops - there are
    none, or so it seems.

    But lets broaden this suggestion to include Holmlid's results.
    Holmlid shows that UDH can be made simply by flowing hydrogen
    over a catalyst. If so then we could end up with a neutron
    substitute, which is the so-called "quasi-neutron".

    This presumed particle is larger than a neutron, but otherwise
    could be a substitute. This quasi-neutron could also be what
    Widom and Larsen are claiming as an active particle of LENR.

    The crux of the issue is this. Silver has a high cross-section
    for neutrons of all energies and the quasi neutron could also
    favor silver - but this is not proved. If it happens, the energy
    of the gamma should be less, since the mass-energy of UDH is
    less. Also the half-life following activation is very short and
    there is little or no residual radioactivity.


        Much has been said about Type A palladium and its special
        reactivity with hydrogen, some of which is due to the alloy
        being one fourth silver. Since pure palladium doesn't work as
        well, it might be said that most of the reactivity seen in
        cold fusion has been due to the special properties of the
        alloy, which is a 3:1 ratio (75% Pd 25% Ag).

        In many ways, nickel can be considered to be a surrogate of
        palladium. Nickel resides directly under Pd in the Periodic
        table, and has an identical valence electron structure. This
        leads one to wonder about an alloy of nickel and silver,
        based on transposing the results of cold fusion to protium,
        instead of deuterium.

        Unfortunately, in the historical context - and going back 300
        years in metallurgy, the term "nickel silver" refers to a
        well known alloy of copper, nickel and zinc which contains
        zero silver. Essentially, nickel silver is a brass alloy that
        looks like much like the more expensive silver and is much
        stronger and more durable - making it a great substitute for
        most common uses.

        This old alloy was created to serve exactly the same purpose
        as silver for attractive shinny flatware but not as
        prohibitively expensive - about 20 times less expensive per
        unit of weight than silver. This semantic confusion did not
        lead to neglect of finding a real alloy of nickel and silver
        since these two metals are indeed mutually insoluble. They do
        not mix. That kind of insolubility is somewhat unusual in
        itself for metals so similar - but basically the two metals
        do NOT alloy by melting together as is commonly done.

        However, this proposed LENR alloy which I will call "Type A
        Nickel" in the 3:1 ratio has been studied in another context
        - and found to have exceptional properties for water
        splitting. To accomplish this they had to go to extraordinary
        lengths to achieve an alloy. There are very few papers on
        this because of the lack of a commercial alloy which can be

        BUT ... there is a strong suspicion that "Type A Nickel"
        could be special for replacing pure nickel in LENR. This
        assumes that silver is reactive in its own right for a
        nuclear reaction, such as in the protonation reaction Robin
        mentioned in another thread.

        BTW - In the paper "Nickel–silver alloy electrocatalysts for
        hydrogen evolution and oxidation in an alkaline electrolyte"
        Tang and others showed that the NiAg alloy is an excellent
        catalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction. Based on the
        free energy of adsorbed hydrogen, theory predicts that alloys
        of nickel and silver are very active for these type of
        hydride reactions and they are. The alloy is  just hard to
        make or else you would have heard about it before now.

        Basically - the Type A Nickel could work better for NiH
        reactions than nickel, since it is twice as reactive for
        water splitting (as defined in their test) which needs to be
        proven out. This testing has been neglected in the past - due
        to the lack of electrodes... for which there is a
        work-around. That is what I propose to add: an easy work
        around at least for some experiments.

        My suggestion to anyone contemplating a gas phase reaction is
        to try mixing nickel-black and silver-black in a high speed
        ball mill, in a ratio of 3:1 --- where mechanical alloying is
        expected. Then, use this composite powder instead of nickel.
        Mechanical alloying is special in its own way and could add
        something akin to surface treatment.

        Electrolysis reactions would be more difficult to accomplish
        with powder - and since this proposed work-around for
        silver/nickel insolubility involves metal powders and
        mechanical alloying a different geometry would be needed for
        the cell. However, powder has been used for electrolysis
        electrodes before (as a colloid) - and it could be worth the

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