Jed Rothwell wrote

    Axil: There are multiple third party validations....

No, there are not. Every one of them that I know about in detail was a failure. There were a few initial claims of replications but they were either retracted or proven wrong. The most recent one was the MFMP attempt to confirm heat from the Me356 reactor. This was a complete failure.

Indeed, the record shows that there are no valid 3rd party validations of Rossi even though some could have slight gain - but even more damning is this detail, which is by implication.

If Rossi truly had a high COP working reactor, there is absolutely nothing that would have prevented him from having it tested independently anytime before the trial. He had already dissolved his relationship with IH. His lawyer would not have really objected strongly, so long as the results was positive. AR could have arranged with Levi to do this in Italy "for the purposes of science". The reason that a demo was not done is that Rossi has no reactor then or now which will produce large gain on demand.

However, I am convinced that Rossi has shown modest gain on occasion, but even that was unpredictable and because of the contract terms for large COP, Rossi would actually rather show no positive experiment at all than to show only modest gain.

Not only that, but the Swedes - who at one time had respectable Academic reputations, but were badly embarrassed by the Lugano fiasco- and furthermore, who promised to do their own replication, also failed to show anything positive.

The Swedes have arguably lost as much as Rossi in having ruined careers over their mistakes at Lugano. Yet, even now they have the incentive, skill and the resources to replicate, but have failed to do so. Many who saw Rossi's witness list (Bo Hoistadt) were sure his ace-in-the-hole was a positive test report by Hoistadt which had not yet been made public. That is the kind of legal chicanery which would have made it into a Grisham movie, but Nada.

How stupid can Rossi's disciples be -- to think that he would have kept a working reactor hidden away from view if there was one - when even a short demo even done by Levi in Bologna would have guaranteed him instant millions ?/

/It would not have mattered how loudly they objected on Darden's team. If there was a reactor which worked for large gain even for a day - Rossi would have gone to the bank with a judgement. As it stands, his Lawyers may have pushed him close to bankruptcy with a claimed fee of $7.5 million. In fact, Rossi's legal team may be in a position to obtain his remaining assets.

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