On Feb 8, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Frederick Sparber wrote:

Where have you been  since the oil Embargo in the early 70s,Horace>

In Alaska where the oil is. 8^)

We mobilized and brought viable and proven energy technologies ready for
turnkey by the late 70s to mid eighties, only to have the door closed
by the gas pipeline companies, and the electric power companies that
had a glut of newly constructed coal and nuclear plants.

Same song third verse in the White House Choir..

I ought to know, I lost my butt that mobilization.


This just goes to prove has never been a united front. We also did not have peak oil or the international problems to the extent we do now. Further, anyone pointing to the problems of global warming in the 70's would have been branded a lunatic. Based on the State of the Union address, there is now a chance, just a chance, things will change. The election year coming up will probably largely decide.

Horace Heffner

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