Is the self-charging battery a new type of pico-electret storage device ? 
Consider 3 devices as a progression over time:  the electret, the EESTOR and 
the glass battery of Goodenough.

In the late 1930s the Electret was invented by Dr. Eguchi, a Japanese 
physicist. He sandwiched a decent dielectric which was Carnauba wax  between 
two metal plates. When charged with high voltage and cycled with heat and cold, 
a polarized electrostatic charge becomes embedded in the wax. Some current will 
flow when the connection is closed but  this is a very low current and very  
high voltage device.  It was usable as a radio battery during WWll and 
electrets are still in production, mostly for use in microphones. Voltage can 
be very high – 10,000 v. and current in nanowatts but fully self-recharging. 
The active dimensions are microns.

The EESTOR capacitor looks something like a lower voltage electret where an 
extreme dielectric keeps charge separated at about 10 nanometers and allows 
much higher current. Voltage is 400 or so and current  has gone up by 6 or more 
orders of magnitude. In both cases, the electret or the EESTOR, a depleted cell 
will recharge to a fair fraction of its initial capacity. In so doing, the 
device will cool and the gain in charge is perfectly accounted for by the heat 
transfer. In both cases, the energy stored is a function of surface area of the 
dielectric. EESTOR uses nanoparticle of barium titanate. However, in a failure 
mode, the results can be catastrophic.

In going from nano down to subnano surface area, it can be imagined that the 
glass battery exploits even lower voltage (2-3 v.)  and much higher current due 
to extreme surface area – which is actually close to  atomic level surface area 
– square kilometers per square cm. IOW a small cluster of atoms of an alkali 
such as sodium acts like a low voltage electret and can lend electrons to do 
work in what appears to be a very high current device compared to the above 
options. There is no redox reaction per se but there is a chemical force acting 
like redox at a few eV which will recharge and return the electron from ambient 
heat over time.

In short, we can look at the glass battery as a new kind of picometer level 
electret. It appears to be overunity but is not since it is recharged from 
ambient heat. There is no thermodynamic law violation.

Sure, this explanation is oversimplified, but it exposes the major weakness of 
the glass battery which  is the time required for self-charge. What the 
inventors of the glass battery have done is to ameliorate this weakness by 
lowering the self-charge time by adding a quasi-redox avenue, which is called 
graphite intercalation. That technology  is not new either and is used in 
lithium batteries today - but the novelty of the entire device lies in 
combining a number of well-known features into something which works. 

The main issue for the coming months  is “can it be manufactured cheaply?”

This is exciting. In fact, it is reminiscent of the excitement surrounding 
EESTOR many years ago which also worked but could not be manufactured at all in 
quantity. It was essentially an explosive device masquerading as a battery. 

The glass battery may be different in the risk category, but we are not there 
yet. They are trying to mass produce a device that operates at picometer 

Even for those who have held out hope for LENR as the savior of society, this 
is most exciting… with the added bonus is that when you remove heat from 
ambient, you also lower global warming. A double bonus.

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