In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:45:04 +0000 (UTC):

Total available solar wind energy, assuming a capture radius of 12000 km (inner
belt only because that's where most of the energy is), is about 80 GW if I did
my sums right, based on the figures mentioned here:-

This is enough to be interesting, but obviously nowhere near enough for the
whole planet, which implies specialized uses ... or garage inventors. ;)

>From: Brian Ahern 
>> The entire Manelas device operation seems to interact with something not yet 
>> understood.   
>Let's see... here are a few of the usual suspects for the source and/or main 
>side effect of said unknown energy
>1) Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect, aka spin waves, aka longitudinal spin 
>waves, aka cold electricity resulting in heat transfer and inherent cooling
>2) zero point energy aka aether aka vacuum energy
>3) neutrino flux
>4) Van Allen belt induction (Robin's hypothesis)5) solar flares or other 
>cosmic radiation
>6) natural magnetic precession or other kinds of autonomous resonant magnetic 
>flux motion7) applied flux motion caused by switched reluctance
>or... any combination or permutation...
>My guess is 1) combined with 6) and 7) but curiously, all of the above could 
>be linked to varying degrees

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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