Jones wrote..

As for the coming decade [and stranger than fiction forms of 
wealth], take the national helium repository for instance - close 
by a certain ranch in Crawford TX. This one is not yet 
fictionalized. It was recently, very quietly, shuttled into 
private hands from DoE, in what is clearly political manipulation. 
There could be a trillion dollars worth of 3He "hidden" in there - 
but no one is talking. And few except at the highest levels would 
know for sure if a breakthrough in 3He fusion has taken place in a 
so-called "black" project. Still black-gold, eh?

Howdy Jones,
My! what big eyes you got grandma. Private hands indeed!... spell that Bechtol 
Corporation, George Shultz, the cowardly lion lookalike. Who is Bechtol ? The 
leading US nuke plant contractor, the 2nd in command ( still carrying Brown and 
Root's water) in Iraq et al.
Enter the "committee" lead by Jim Baker ( another good ole Texas boy) serving 
to figure out how to right wrongs brought about by a totally disaster called 
the " W" factor.
No place but Texas.
Helium... ah ha ! Did you say Algeria? hmmm... French-Italian nuke interests ?
Tell us why Helium and Nuclear power fit hand in glove.. an indispensible 


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