David Thomson wrote:
Hi John,

You’re just as guilty as those you accuse. I have presented a fully quantified alternative physics theory, which predicts exactly what you claim ought to be possible.


You believe matter can be created?


You want mathematical proof that the Aether Physics Model is correct?

Theories can only be disproven, not proven, as all on this list should be well aware. Evidence may support a theory, but can't "prove it correct" ... and mathematics, alone, can't "prove" anything about reality. Evidence alone may, on the other hand, prove a theory incorrect. Any number of examples can't "prove" a theorem, but a single counterexample can disprove it.

When you say "Aether Physics model", do you mean aether as in "luminiferous aether", the hypothetical medium in which electromagnetic waves propagate?

If so, how you do you account for the results of the Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments in your model? These two brought down the "classical" aether theories, along with the ballistic theory. (Or do you deny that MMX actually got a null result?)

I asked Grimer how he dealt with the MMX results, and he never replied ... for whatever that's worth. But maybe he just overlooked the post.

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