Nick Palmer wrote:
From John Berry's "we can do what ever we want if we just get the old rocks
out of our head" message:-

<<Why people think their preconcieved notions of what is and isn't possible trumps the evidence I'll never know>> Quite so. Tell Paul...

Paul Lowrance has come up with a theory that if he exploits a certain phenomenon he will get free energy from ambient heat. He has no evidence that he can do this - only his belief in his theory.

It's also something which is discussed in sophomore EE classes FWIW. I don't think Paul realizes that.

He has been irritating people on this forum for quite some time. He maybe does not realise that he is not the first type to come on here with some idea that they believe is brilliant that the whole of the rest of humanity has not spotted. They normally stick around for a while, get their ideas repeatedly shot full of holes by most of the good minds on here

Actually we're supposed to exercise a bit of restraint on this list and not shoot too many holes in theories even if they look like easy targets. At least, that's my understanding of the Vortex rules -- it's supposed to be a safe place to air ideas which are not fully baked, and criticism is supposed to be constructive, if possible, rather than destructive.

It's hard sometimes, when people come in with totally goofy misconceptions and a condescending and insulting attitude toward anyone who's actually invested the time and effort to understand some small piece of modern physics, but whatever ... most of the regulars here are at least polite about it when someone disagrees with them.

As one common example, it bugs me when someone who couldn't define a rank 2 mixed tensor to save his life explains that relativity is obviously self-contradictory and anyone who doesn't realize that must be a fool, idiot, or establishment dupe, but in general I try to just shut up and ignore it (with limited success, I admit...)

and end up coming out with increasingly desperate and irrelevant arguments, such as Paul just did and then eventually they disappear into cyberspace, never to be heard from again. I am sure they go away thinking that we are all a bunch of "half empty types"

Yeah, I liked that one. Along with lumping all mainstream physicists together as cynical "debunkers"...

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