Thank you for the civil and cogent reply; I'll dig through it and respond in detail later this weekend; don't have time right now. I also don't have time to dig into your paper right now, but will tackle that later also.

I'm actually interested in alternative theories of this-and-that, and Miller is certainly a fascinating character.

(It just sets my teeth on edge when someone opens a discussion of this sort with a blanket assertion that SR is "internally inconsistent", which, thankfully, you didn't do.)

David Thomson wrote:
Hi Stephen,

When you say "Aether Physics model", do you mean aether as in
"luminiferous aether", the hypothetical medium in which electromagnetic waves propagate?

When I say "Aether Physics Model," I mean a fluid-dynamic-quantum Aether,
just as it is explained in the paper.

If so, how you do you account for the results of the Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments in your model?
The theory I present induces upon the empirical data only, there is no
guesswork, postulates, or other hypothetical foundation.  As such, the
theory I produce fully agrees with the MMX experiment as it was conducted as
well as the Sagnac experiment.  In fact, it also agrees with General
Relativity theory.
These two brought down the
"classical" aether theories, along with the ballistic theory. (Or do you deny that MMX actually got a null result?)

First off, Michelson, Morley, and Miller all deny they got a null result.
The so-called "null result" is a result with a magnitude much smaller than
was expected for a rigid Aether.  The Aether Physics Model reveals a fluid
Aether.  Dayton Miller spent over twenty years of his life repeating the
measurements and continually observed results, dependent upon the density of
the material around him.

The Aether Physics Model shows that subatomic particles exist with a quantum
of Aether.  The denser the matter, the less Aether-drift will occur in that
region.  Michelson and Morley first conducted their experiments in a
basement, Dayton Miller later conducted his experiment on top of Mt. Wilson.

Also, the question can be thrown back at you.  If the Aether did not exist,
how did Maxwell, Fresnel, and Bernoulli get positive results before Special
Relativity came along?
Are you aware that Einstein wrote a paper about the Aether when he was 16,
which is substantially supportive of my work?  Are you aware that after
Einstein developed GR he again stated there had to be some kind of Aether?
Who exactly says the Aether does not exist and has evidence to support the
non-existence of Aether?

The evidence for Aether's existence is abundant.  Magnetic, electric, and
gravitational fields are direct manifestations of the Aether.  Electrostatic
charge comes from Aether, not matter.  Solitons and phonons are direct
evidence for the existence of Aether.  BECs are direct evidence for the
existence of Aether.  Frame dragging is direct evidence for the existence of
Aether.  The curvature of space-time is direct evidence for the existence of
Aether.  Aether, especially as I have quantified it, is a verified fact.
The only thing holding it back is the willingness of modern science to
accept it.


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