HelixMultiverse: It's Friday 13th April 2007, 08.55 but I can't see any
update yet. Anyone know where the update will appear on website (I've looked
under 'News') or at what time?


Steorn: We plan to put the update up after lunch (for the video, text update
at 6pm). I will also point out that there is no 'big' news here at all, as I
stated many times over the last few months. Its a quick update on what has
happen since last August, primarily designed for those who do not spend
hours everyday on this forum! Regular forum members will see little that is
new, its pretty much all been said in here.

Suomipoika:I'm not sure I'm following. Are you going to release the detailed
technical specifications to the public as you promised or not?

Seconded. Is there going to be a text update with these specs alongside the
video update?

Steorn: Yes, this will go up later in the day, around 6 PM GMT (the video
update will go up around lunchtime).

Suomipoika:: Excellent! Thanks for the answer!
You said there's not gonna be anything new we forum members didn't already
knew. Why did you say so? Now you ARE going to release detailed technical
specs, and that's definitely new information (and BIG news) for everybody.
Did you change your mind after my question?

On 4/13/07, Wesley Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Berry wrote:

> On 4/13/07, *Wesley Bruce* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     PS Why are the Re:[Vo] subject line prefixes stacking up?
> Because it's a stupid [EMAIL PROTECTED] script and it should be nixed. (or 
Yep. Thats what I thought.
What's the old saying about watched pots they never boils. I'm watching
the Steorn website for any action but its only 10 am in Dublin so I'm a
little early.
An "every things Ok" post would not take any time at all. Anything major
should be later in the day. They will need time for a morning coffee,
briefing and preparation, checking the server etc, then blame or fizz
depending on the situation. A launch on Friday means the shouting match
happens while the stock market is closed. That way they can't be accused
of playing the market. That's just a guess but that's the accusation
they face.

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