I wrote

and Esa Ruoho responded:…

    I attended the INE conference where Grotz, Binder et al presented
    their paper on their attempt to replicate the machine that you
    mention Esa. I though it was great. If that thing works why not
make gold or rhodium out of

youre also yet to see a single person take russell´s science seriously and not try to compare it with current science and then think theyve got the answers (and promptly go around correcting russell)

Timothy Binder was then the head of an organization devoted to the study of Russell's work

that the results were inconclusive proves that they had not, back then, understood the way the two-way universe russell explained, worked. but they did manage to make lots of waves (looking at anything that russell was up to, be

I'd love to experiment with this if I had the resources. Russell had the resources and AFAIK, I've never heard of his demonstrating any of his claims, or any replications.

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