In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Fri, 29 Aug 2008 14:28:47 -0400:
>I do not think it is necessary to make cold fusion occur every time on
>demand. I think that with the experiments we already have we could
>convince more people if only we presented the experiments and the data
>in a more convincing fashion to a wider audience. I believe that cold
>fusion researchers have often failed to take advantage of the
>opportunities they have been granted.
It might be useful in this regard to gather together in a list a handful of the
most significant CF papers, and have that list under a single URL on LENR-CANR.
That way the most convincing evidence is always easy to refer to. Just pointing
to LENR-CANR can be a bit overwhelming if one doesn't know where to start, or
have the time or inclination to sift through them all.


Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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