On Sep 8, 2008, at 11:23 PM, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

If the oceans were to boil off, where would all the water to go?

Same place it went on venus, into building a higher altitude more dense atmosphere.

Besides, there
is also the "evaporative cooler" effect. The faster the hydrological cycle takes place, the more rapidly heat is removed. I think this is the major negative feedback effect. Also increasing rainfall tends to dissolve more CO2 and carry it into the oceans. Though I don't know how close they are to saturation (another tipping point), though I suspect that they are already effectively in
balance with the CO2 in the atmosphere.

There is also the possibility that increasing geothermal action will release the methane from the clathrates (and they want to put CO2 down there too???).

Sure. Ocean dumping has worked for radioactive waste so far, so why not? Maybe we'll all be dead of old age or war before it gets loose, so there won't be any political consequences to anyone. Then again, maybe not.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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