Hi Thomas,

Thanks for passing on the "Camelot" Bob Dean videos. I am enjoying
watching them.


> He's seeing the same world that I am, viewed through the
> lenses of a New Age Spirituality.

New Age, Schmuu Nage! Whatever! IMO, NewAgers' can't even agree
amongst themselves what criteria makes it "New Agey!" ;-)

>> Thomas, it seems to me that you're pretty sure you know
>> what's going in the heavenly firmaments above our terrestrial
>> skies. That always

> I've made the decision to view the world from a
> Fundamentalist Christian perspective. I twist all facts
> to fit with that paradigm. What doesn't fit, I ignore.

Why, Thomas, you continue to surprise me! You clearly indicate the
fact you are well aware of intellectual footwork you're engaged in, as
most of us are from time to time. It is quite possible that some day
in the near future you may eventually tire dancing its incessantly
repetitive tune, one that all too many individuals have mistaken as a
way to remain safe and comforted. Alas, I sympathize. Feeling like one
belongs to a supportive community is an important component, one that
should not be taken lightly. Under the circumstances, all I can offer
up is that there is no reason why g*d would not continue to exist for
you should you eventually chose to make such a monumental decision to
consider skipping to other tunes. It's possible you are closer to the
cusp than you may be willing to consciously admit, but that's just
speculation on my part. I could be wrong. Take it for what it's worth.

>> If I were an extraterrestrial and I was interested in
>> visiting Earth for the purpose of cultural exchanges and
>> other what-nots it would

> You're making the assumption that the Space Brothers are
> good and decent entities. 10 days ago our assistant Rabbi
> did the Parashas (Torah Study) portion of the service on
> Genesis 6. There were daughters who were born to the men,
> and the Son's of G-d took the ones they wanted for wives.
> The resulting children were the Nephilim. The book of
> Enoch describes them as depraved cannibals.

I have decided to make no assumptions about who or what might exist in
the heavens above. I would recommend that you might want to consider
taking the same approach. After all, how would you like to be
pre-judged by new neighbors before one actually begins knocking on
their doors.


> If an S B reveals himself to me, I'd ask him if R Yeshua
> (Jesus) came in the flesh. The ones who don't acknowledge
> that are from the dark side.

I would offer the suggestion that this is a very old archetype, one
that has been passed down from generation to generation, an archetype
that had been designed as a means to provide comfort to those who fear
certain concepts. It has been told and re-told in many forms and
guises - sometimes, unfortunately, as a way to keep the congregation
in check.

One of the more amusing variations of this fable has been retold in
recent times by the director Roman Polanski, who saw through the
archetype's facade, in his famous movie "Fearless Vampire Killers".



See seventh paragraph down:

> All this is by way of providing some context for the most
> celebrated joke in Polanski's film. A vampire, the former
> innkeeper, approaches a maiden, one of his daughters, in
> order to bite her neck as she lies fetchingly in bed.
> Seeing him, she brandishes a crucifix—what she has been
> taught (by her Catholic mother) good Christian girls do
> in order to ward off intruding vampires. The vampire
> looks at her and shakes its head, declaring aloud,
> "Oy, have you got the wrong vampire!" The crucifix hasn't
> the capacity to work on a Jewish vampire.

In other words it might be a good idea to consider the possibility
that they (whoever "they" are) won't even be able to comprehend what
you're trying to imply particularly if they can't even comprehend your
language let alone your customs and rituals. (Why is this creature
waving a curiously shaped stick at me???) It also might be a good idea
to consider the possibility that Star Trek's Universal Translator has
not yet been perfected to work with Earthlings.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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