
It has been my experience that the emotion, fear, is a very seductive
one. Fear constantly whispers in one's ear: PAY ATTENTION TO ME! ...
OR ELSE. Once it has got your attention, don't worry, it will supply
one with an infinite number of rationalizations to justify why it
should remain in the command seat.

OTOH, as the late Joseph Campbell was noted to have said: "Follow your bliss."

Ok, so there's "FEAR" on one side... and then there's "BLISS" on the
other side. Admittedly, it's kina like trying to mix oil and water.
The two ingredients don't seem to emulsify very well.

You are free to follow your fears to their ultimate destinations, just
as I am free to follow my bliss to their ultimate destinations.

I wish you a safe journey in your endeavors.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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