I hope Mr. Beaty has not taken offense to the fact that I have often
described him as the Virtual God of Vortex-l - the Vort Collective or
Continuum. No offence was intended.

It can be a difficult job playing the role of a Moderator. So many
different opinions can be expressed. Opinions and discussions can
occasionally get heated. A Moderator is occasionally obliged to,
whether he wants to or not, make a judgment call as to whether certain
topics are appropriate subject material - or not. Invariably, some
participants will agree wholeheartedly with the Moderator's
choice-of-action, while others will beg to differ and thus begin the
process of picking away at certain technicalities. I know I am guilty
of having performed some of that "picking". But such is the cross for
which Mr. Beaty, the Virtual God of Vortex-l must bare.

I am encouraged to hear that Mr. Beaty appears to consider the recent
"illness" something akin to a temporary fever, one that he hopes will
eventually be capable of once again self-regulating itself. If that is
Mr. Beaty's opinion, it is a hope and belief I share as well.

If it had not been for he-who-shall-remain-nameless, I seriously doubt
the current "illness" would have reached temperatures that caused so
many to begin complaining. Least I seem to be implying that I was
above the fray, I wish to state for the record that I'm sure I played
a role in causing that fever to break out.

How long a ban on discussions pertaining to politics & religion (a
quarantine) might be necessary within Vortex-l does not appear to have
been defined. I hope Mr. Beaty will be able to clarify that point so
that we can adjust our actions accordingly.


I also hope that Jed's temporary ban is a short one.


I hope others might consider expressing a few of their thoughts on the
proper care and feeding of the Vort Collective, or at least help give
Mr. Beaty some useful feedback.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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