On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 20:58:42 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I see that Vortex has acquired the religion/politics illness that affects
>most forums.  Or call it "poor health," where natural defenses begin to
>fail, and opportunistic infections start appearing.


>We could ban politics permanently.  Or temporarily limit the topics to CF
>and nothing else.  Or as a last resort, shut down the forum for awhile.
>But first I'm using the trick which has worked in the past:  kill it off
>artificially.  Stamp out every last vestige, then wait awhile to make
>certain it's gone.  If it slowly grows back much later, the forum's own
>"immune system" might keep it at a very low level.

The antibiotic strategy?

IMO, Excellent! :-) 

Especially since you've set up "b" as an agar dish where we can watch
not only bacterial but also viral infections plead their cases.


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