Michel Jullian wrote:
>> Well, we don't need to wait that longer. We already know that certain
>> phenomena are simply not contained within the framework of classical
>> mechanics, due to its stochastic nature.
>> So, for computers or machines to be able to achieve conscience, they'll
>> have to be built in a way which allows stochastic processes to occur in
>> their circuits. That is, they'll have to be capable of non-deterministic
>> behavior.
> just let them run on Vista :)

:-) That's confusing instability (and bloated design plus obsolescence)
with non-determinism.
> Seriously, I don't think built-in randomness is required to create
> conscience, sheer complexity should suffice.

And now you're confusing (again) randomness with incommensurability.
Jones Beene as been so kind to state the difference, clearly and
elegantly some mails back.
>> I certainly think that that is possible, and a machine like that will be
>> probably made one day. That day, those machines will achieve not only
>> conscience, but also free will.
> Not any more than us.

And not any less. Strictly speaking, they'll be able to appy for
individual rights, when advanced enough. This is also extensively
treated in the (science fiction) literature. Blade Runner comes almost
instantly to mind.
Neuromancer is also weakly related, when these AIs are so advanced that
they have almost completely lost interest in human affairs.
>> What remains to be seen is what drastic decisions they'll probably take
>> when aware of their origins, reality and planned destiny.
> This will be fun.

That remain to be seen. Specially for these future creatures of
artificial design.
Jorge Luis Borges, probably the greatest argentinian poet, wrote a
beautiful related poem called "El Golem". Here's an acceptable(although
with many spanish overtones) english translation:

Here's another, more english version, although probably not so nice:

And here's the spanish version, in all its magnificence:

Best regards,

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