>From Abd:

>> Tl;dw is a great way to go. I give you a WTG for this one,
>> possibly followed by a few other acronyms, which I dislike,
>> such as "LOL" and "OMG".... Even I had the time to watch
>> the live presentation, and I can't finish most documentaries
>> or even a song.

> The writer here violated his own principles by responding
> to a message he did not read. If he'd read all the way
> through, he'd have seen that I did, in the end, watch the
> whole damn thing.

Abd, you initially stated: "The set of videos is too long for me to
watch now..."

But later at the end of that same post you state: "Okay, I kept watching."

Fortunately for me I did read that entire post, (not the previous MUCH
LONGER ONE!) and I generally concurred with your concern that the
battery versus capacitor explanation is inadequate.

Nevertheless, you state at the very beginning that you didn't have
enough time to watch the show in its entirety. Let me reiterate: It is
in fact the first thing you tell your readers.

While, in a sense, you are taking advantage of literary license
(something I'm guilty of having done as well) I still think you share
some of the blame for misleading some of your readers.

>               Ah, I've been involved in on-line "debate"
> since about 1986 or so, with the W.E.L.L. Just to explain
> some stuff to those who might be watching. I certainly don't
> intend to continue this thread. As I read from another today,
> "I concede the last word, in advance." He who laughs last
> laughs best, and it's impossible to actually laugh on-line,
> LOL isn't laughing, and about half the time the person
> didn't actually laugh but is simply attempting to deride,
> or, at least, it's impossible to laugh last, what is on-line
> can't cover it. I'll be laughing, I expect and have reason
> to hope, after I'm dead.
> So whatever you are doing, be sure to have fun. You'll
> probably do less damage if you remember this.

I agree. This is a fun topic, regardless of what side of the fence one
is leaning towards.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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