A recent peer  reviewed paper by H. Jenkins, Daniel W. Mundy, Ephraim Fischbach:

Analysis of environmental influences in nuclear  half-life measurements 
exhibiting time-dependent decay  rates
In a recent series of papers evidence has  been presented for correlations 
between solar activity and nuclear  decay rates. This includes an apparent 
correlation between Earth–Sun  distance and data taken at Brookhaven National 
Laboratory (BNL), and at  the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). 
Although these  correlations could arise from a direct interaction between the 
decaying  nuclei and some particles or fields emanating from the Sun, they 
also represent an “environmental” effect arising from a seasonal  variation of 
the sensitivities of the BNL and PTB detectors due to  changes in temperature, 
relative humidity, background radiation, etc. In  this paper, we present a 
detailed analysis of the responses of the  detectors actually used in the BNL 
and PTB experiments, and show that  sensitivities to seasonal variations in the 
respective detectors are  likely too small to produce the observed fluctuations.
published in the August 2010 issue of:

Nuclear  Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, 
Spectrometers, Detectors and  Associated Equipment
An earlier version of this paper is avaible here  for free:

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