-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Haynie 

> Jones Beene brings up a good point. Why would a compressional wave,
calculated to work between nucleons in a nucleus, work in a single
proton hydrogen atom?

It will not, and on this forum our main concern is energetic hydrogen 
reactions, and the transitions of hydrogen which may lead to nuclear reactions. 

I think you have now come around to understanding the very reason why the 
hypothesis in question is of little value to those in this field, and why I 
have spoken out against it. 

Unfortunately, it is too late to stop that runaway "train" of disinformation, 
due to the convincing quality of the videos. This is the downside of the 
internet. There will be a cult which arises thinking that some kind of 
conspiracy is out there which seeks to freeze out the truth, similar to what 
happened with Stan Meyer ... and the minions of this cult will no doubt 
consider me to be funded by Big Oil. 

(I wish ... :) 


I still get hate mail from "true believers" for expressing the viewpoint years 
ago on Vo - that Meyer was not murdered, that he was a scammer who might have 
stumbled onto something out of blind luck, and that he was his own worst enemy 
not to develop it sensibly.

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