On Tuesday, December 28, 2010 4:08 PM OrionWorks said ..  In my own Finite 
Element Method Magnetic computer simulation studies one of the personal tenants 
that was finally driven home to me was the apparent fact that static forces, no 
matter how powerful those forces might be measured to exist at, do not in 
themselves allow for the extraction of exploitable excess energy. I was never 
able to discover anything close to an "asymmetry." People keep trying finesse 
an "asymmetry" out into the open... I've tried for years as well... but to no 
avail. [/quote]


I agree that Casimir geometry is static even where gradients between different 
geometries occur but you can overcome this with  a 3rd body in motion relative 
to these gradients

To exploit these changes. This would be worthless if you have to provide the 
motive force to this 3rd body because you are then  limited by COE.  You are 
applying  the same criteria Garet Moddel used to discount 2 of the 3  models 
for rectifying energy from Casimir cavities. I chose the 3rd and most obvious 
model which employs gas law for motive force. I know Casimir force and gas law 
are both related to HUP and dispersion forces but gas law is very local and 
steers the atom randomly while Casimir force is an average static value for a 
less local area formed by the plate geometry such that it's value is unaffected 
by the hydrogen's motion. In this case nature provides both the gradient 
proportional to change in cavity geometry  and the motive force in the form of 
standard gas law. I should also mention that nature doesn't WANT to do this - 
it would rather close the plates and relieve the Casimir force like we see in 
stiction  or the difficulty we have in producing strong skeletal catalysts 
because the molten metals oppose this geometry and will not normally form 

Turtur seems to promote an EM method of exploiting ZPE which I haven't studied 
yet but I would say it must also obey this same sort of 3rd body interaction 
where nature provides the motive force to move a 3rd FIELD relative to a static 
gradient... In his video a high voltage potential with little or no current 
drawn to maintain the potential is the static gradient. I did note a large 
poster of Tesla on the wall in Turtur's video and his method does remind me of 
Tesla's posit that High Voltage solidifies the ether. I think the HV field can 
be shaped to provide the gradients similar to change in Casimir geometry but am 
unsure what equates to a 3rd body in his video where a floating wheel is 
encouraged to spin (reportedly will even spin in vacuum).



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