Yes, Mr. Lawrence,

Indeed, this is very on-topic.

The news is spreading like wildfire through out the internet.

I think you and Jones have pretty much nailed the pertinent issues.

We stand here wondering if Rossi and/or Mills will put out in short
order. Or maybe someone else will suddenly be flushed out of the brush
due to recent activity. Yes, we are encouraged... we are hopeful...
There seems to be an accumulation of encouraging evidence to suggest
the distinct possibility that indeed something is a-foot - but we
really don't know for sure. Not yet. It puts us all of us
card-carrying Vorts between a rock and a hard place.

Psychologically speaking, this is an extremely difficult time for the
Vort Collective to weather through. It would be devastating to get
ahead of ourselves and start building a new foundation that in truth
is based on a house of cards. Not until we know for sure that the
recent evidence is indeed 100% accurate. We really don't know that for
sure, not yet.

I feel hopeful, nervous, anxious, and uncertain. Interesting times.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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