Something very fishy-smelling here ...

You DECREASE the volume by a factor of 20 and the heat only goes down by a
factor of 3. And he is just noticing this! LOL.

More Rossi BS - let's face it, this guy is deceptive, and could be
delusional. He is trying to hide something by this kind of publicity stunt.
It is pure 'misdirection'.

There is no way to believe anything he says. But he is clever to handle it
this way, since many who see this stunt will applaud him for what may seem
to be a more open kind of show-and-tell. But the intent can only be to
mislead other researchers who are scrambling to replicate the results. 

No way do you have a reverse economy-of-scale at this magnitude, and then do
not follow up by going even smaller. No way do you do a public demo of a
larger unit that is seven times less robust. Rossi is most likely showing
off past things that did NOT work well, or at all - in order to protect the
larger device that does work well. 

The large unit is the only one tested in public - and possibly the minimum
size factor that works at all. But Rossi would like to encourage the hundred
or so replication attempts which are in progress now - to go with the
smaller size, since he knows that there is a critical mass threshold and
they are doomed from the start if they go with the 50 cc. 


-----Original Message-----

>Looking at the pictures, it seems to be fairly simple mechanically. The 
>chamber is 50cc and not 1 liter as we were made to believe.

Two different devices. This 4 kW version has a 50 cc chamber. The original
10 kW
version had a 1 L chamber.

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