From: Axil Axil 



*  I repeat: the nickel powder is only 3% or less of the volume of the
reaction chamber. 


Sorry. Absolutely not. Nickel or any metal nanopowder must be supported, and
that could be the other 97% if the 3% is correct (which I doubt). 


Bare metal nanopowder can never work. Period.


*  It must be affixed to the stainless steel reaction vessel wall. 


Nope. That would mean it is unsupported.  


Unsupported nanopowder does not work. This has been tried repeatedly with no
success, since all metals agglomerate in a matter of seconds. 


I know of no exception to the rule that metal nanopowder must be partially
embedded in a dielectric - that is what is meant by "supported". 






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