noone noone wrote:

I think the NRC can try, but it will not last long.

I am a bit more concerned about the powers that be trying to tax the energy produced to high heaven.

It would be difficult to do this, because the energy will eventually be generated on site by small machines. To tax it you would have to meter it, and meters can always be disabled. People occasionally reset odometers in automobiles to enhance the resale value of a used car. This is against the law. They do not do this often because there's not much point to it; it does not increase resale value much. On the other hand, when the odometer breaks people seldom bother to fix it. I'm sure that if the government started taxing heat and electricity from home generators, millions of consumers would cut a few wires or download a patch for the control electronics computer to report false readings. The government would soon find this untenable.

(I have thought about stuff like this!)

- Jed

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