2011/5/10 OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>

> We will all know soon enuf whether Rossi's controversial e-cats
> deliver the bacon, or not.
Actually, I don't think we (meaning you) will know. Judging from past
practice, Rossi's device is unlikely to come to a definitive end. There will
be technical difficulties, unforeseen delays, a moderation of the claims and
expectations. October will come and go without a MW plant, but there will be
new promises. It will be real soon now. Always, as with Mills and Dardik,
there will new excuses to cover their asses, but never a complete exposing
of fraud, or revelation of mistakes, and never a commercial product that can
really be tested by independent investigators. Eventually, in a few years
Rossi will simply fade away like Patterson from the 90s, and the CF
community will make excuses like his stock of lucky catalyst ran out and he
found he was unable to make more, and you will refuse to admit you were
wrong. This story has played out several times already in cold fusion. And
it won't be the last time. It seems to be too easy to pick the pockets of
true believers.

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