Axil Axil wrote:

I am no expert on this, but doesn’t the first amendment protect Jones Beene from any possible legal harm?

Not if it is libel. That is not protected speech.

So far I doubt anyone would say it is libel, but I think it would be wise for Beene to state clearly that he is not actually accusing anyone of anything. Making comparisons and speaking in hypotheticals is fine. I myself have often commented that Rossi acts like a scam artist. Anyone can see the resemblance.

I myself have been the target of libelous personal attacks. Anyone involved in cold fusion has been. So I am sensitive to the problems this can cause. For example, people have asserted that I stole or fabricated the Defense Intelligence Agency report. Putting an official seal on a fake report would be a serious matter. I would get into trouble if the authorities believed I did that. Fortunately, I can refer them to the authors, who will vouch for me.

Obviously, scamming hundreds of millions of dollars would be a far more serious that writing a fake DIA report! I don't mean to compare the two. But even rumors about the DIA report have caused me trouble, so I can just imagine what Defkalion would have to deal with if this rumor gets around.

I suppose such rumors are bound to circulate, but for goodness sake, let us not start them here!

- Jed

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