As much as I detest Trump's general attitude (and hair style), he is allowed to 
speak his mind, and occasionally there is something to it. Did you call the 
authorities on the Donald because he doesn't like unions and you do? You may 
not agree with him, but he has a right not to like minorities, unions, gays, 
Democrats, Hispanics and whatever. 

There has been a lot of talk in Greece and Italy on the forums about the shady 
connections of Defkalion and the Russian ex-patriot community in Greece, and to 
known criminals in Greece - but I chose not to repeat those rumors here, 
because they are unproved so far, and nothing more than warnings of people who 
may resent all foreigners. Who knows? They have named names, and if you are 
thinking about investing, buyer beware.

Nevertheless, I did not form my negative opinion on this company based on whim. 

There is a lot there which you will find out in the coming months. 


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson 

> Let me make it clear that there is no proof that they are planning a better
> GWE scam, and there is no proof that they are legitimate either.  The intent
> of this post goes to the old Chinese(?) proverb "fool me once, shame on you,
> fool me twice shame on me"

This is just my opinion, and my opinion could be wrong, but the
speculative nature of some of your recent posts are beginning to
remind me of the machinations of well known public figure:

Donald Trump.

It seems to me that if you have actual evidence of wrong-doing it's
time to spell it out, or call the authorities.  Otherwise, the kind of
speculation that you currently seem to be engaged in, particularly in
regards to Rossi and/or Defkalion, can IMHO become unhealthy.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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