At 11:17 AM 6/19/2011, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
...Or at least, this is what Rossi is implying in the comment below pasted from his blog. It looks like we will know more details about it after the presentation of the 1-MW plant in October. Rossi paints a grim picture where LENR researchers backstab each other in order to obtain research funds and exclusivity rights. Very sad if true. Let's hope it's just confabulation following his anger outburst.

* * *

Do understand that many of us know Krivit pretty well.

June 19th, 2011 at 9:17 AM

Dear Staffan:
Your comment opens the space to an intriguing consideration. Many Scientists have taken the correct approach: wait for the 1 MW plant in operation, then make due considerations. This is what smart People did.

So, by definition, anyone asking questions is not smart. That's quite an assumption for a journalist to face. He's not a scientist, per se, and investigating stuff is his bread and butter.

About pseudo-Scientists and their reaction to my Effect: probably you have read of the “Snake” report after an interview he made in Bologna.

"The snake." Cool. Krivit made a preliminary report, that was modest and only disclosed some of the process between Krivit and Rossi and Levi, none of it attacked them, he merely reported that he was asking questions, and speculated that Levi might not be understanding him, which was actually a charitable comment, and only reprehensible if we assume that Levi is the God of Science whose pronouncements are Not To Be Questioned. I rather doubt that Levi would characterize himself that way, so I only assume that Levi became personally offended by what he perceived as Krivit's attitude. Levi's response cannot be justified on the basis of Krivit's report.

Now, as probably most of you have understood, we have very good , (VERY GOOD), intelligence working with us; after the “snake” (disguised as a journalist) who has this week penetrated our organization and made a report based on a fake steam diagram, we asked to our intellicence organization to probe what was behind, and we discovered that: 1- The fake diagram of steam has been given to the “snake” from an Italian competitor that is afraid to lose the funds due to the fact that the taxpayers are tired to give him money while we have reached results without any funding

First of all, Rossi's claim here is preposterous. Krivit is a real journalist, funded to investigate issues around energy, and, most notably, cold fusion and related stuff. He's been doing it for years.

Krivit apparently showed Levi some diagrams or information about steam quality as a problem. This is well-known. Since we don't see the diagram, and I rather doubt that Levi has a copy, there is no way to judge "fake" about it, and I seriously doubt that there was anything fake there. Krivit's report of it was that it showed the problem if the steam quality is estimated volumetrically, rather than by mass. They are reacting as if Krivit asserted that the measurements were volumetric, when Krivit reported the claim that it was by mass, as asserted by Levi, then, only, questioning *how* the measurements were made. It's appearing that this is a forbidden question, the kind of thing that if anything will exercise the attack dogs, this would be it.

Tell me, folks, how impressed are we by Rossi's claim of VERY GOOD intelligence. Is our assessment of this "intelligence" -- that tells us nothing of value, since, supppose it is correct that the information was provided by a "competitor," the question would still be a valid one, on its own merits. This would be like a defense attorney refusing to answer a question from the prosecution on the grounds that the question came from a proposal from an enemy of the defendant. The question is valid regardless of the source, this is pure ad-hominem argument, attempting to discredit Krivit based on irrelevancies. Reporters often ask questions based on tips, and tips often come from people with an axe to grind.

But I doubt the whole story, it sounds like someone made it up, based on indirect evidence. There has been enormous discussion of the issues around the Rossi reactor, and so someone sees something from the "Italian competitor" has been posted, assumes that Krivit read it and derived his question from it. Or maybe even Krivit responded, which would at least establish that he knew about it. So?

The question is real, and lots of people who are very much not "pseudoskeptics" think it's a real question.

2- this Italian clown has been given the fake diagram fro an American Laboratory, competing with us, which gave it to him for the same reason

This gets tangled. So Krivit didn't get the alleged "fake diagram" from the Italian competitor, but instead of an "American laboratory."

3- the snake has been sent to us to try to dwarf us to allow them to get funding

That's preposterous, actually. If Rossi is fake, it will damage funding for CF research in the U.S. The "fake" will rub off on otherwise-legitimate research, that's been one of my concerns about this for a long time. If Rossi is real, if he pulls of the Defkalion delivery and it works, it's moot.

Rather, I see this: if Rossi comes to look real, if the demonstrations are considered adequate, funding for CF in the U.S., particularly pursuing NiH methods, will skyrocket. So Rossi doesn't want that to happen, until he's ready. So he's running damage control here. "Damage" happens if he looks too good!

Consider this possibility: someone, perhaps with better funding and support, comes up with a better approach that doesn't depend on whatever Rossi has patent protection on. (Which might not be anything at all, by the way, there are problems with prior art, Rossi has plenty of headaches.)

But it was not necessary to attack Krivit. I have no problem if Rossi wants to look like a con artist. But he could be gracious.

So, Krivit, sue him! I think you might have a cause of action here.... If he's right, he'll have plenty of money, you could collect a lot. If he's wrong, of course, he'll be bankrupt anyway, you'll need to consider that possibility. See an attorney, because, of course, I'm not one.

All this is very funny. The names and the particulars of this paper tigers will be explained from me as an anecdote after the start up of the 1 MW plant in Greece: after the start up, after the explication of the theory, this will be the dessert. Something to laugh with.

Mr. Rossi, you are deluded. There is no shame in the raising of legitimate questions. Many legitimate questions and concerns have been raised about many valid discoveries, there was no shame in them. Being "wrong" is what we risk when we take any stand, and it does not make it an error to take the stand, if the necessary information to understand the situation is missing. It's part of how we learn.

There was obviously an issue with steam quality, we can derive that from your own comments. What the rest of us don't know is how large an issue it is.

And whether or not you turn out to be "right" on other issues is completely irrelevant to this.

My recommendation if my analysis is correct: Shut up! Stop commenting, work in delivery of your product. Don't grant interviews until and unless you are prepared to disclose *everything*.

To control the damage from what you have already written and said: issue some statement about being stressed, apologizing for your own testy comments, retracting any allegations that you cannot prove. Be gracious, but firm. Continue your real work, avoid all these distractions.

Now, I need to go follow my own advice. Wish me luck.

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