The Witch Doctor Files on Rossi (1 of 4) - Introduction


This is an experiment, an experimental inquiry into the continuing
adventures Andrea Rossi and his mysterious e-cats. I hope some here may find
the contents of the following posts interesting. Hopefully it may even be
educational, if not occasionally entertaining.


For better or worse, I exhibit certain New Age tendencies. Guess I always
have. ;-) I have occasionally been willing to pursue unorthodox avenues of
information if the circumstances seem appropriate. For almost 20 years now I
have conducted recorded conversations with an old friend of mine who lives
somewhere out on the east coast. Such conversations have been conducted once
or maybe twice a year. This person "channels" information - "information"
that is presumed to have been derived from energy essences, or gestalts of
consciousness presumably residing in other realms of reality. How do I prove
the source of such information is legitimate? I can't! Obviously! Let me be
clear on this point, however. I'm pretty sure that the "source" is NOT
derived from so-called extraterrestrials, whoever those pesky aliens might
be. The nature of the conversations, the channeled information I've engaged
in for the past 20 years has always struck me as home-grown au natural
discourse. ;-)


The following two "channeled" conversations, the edited for Vortex-l
transcripts, should be considered subjectively interpreted information
pertaining to the continuing adventures of Andrea Rossi and the mysterious
Rossi Effect. The conversations were conducted in March and June of this
year. The name of the channeler shall remain anonymous. I'll simply call the
individual the Witch Doctor.


I suspect some within the Vort Collective might find the content of these
two conversations interesting, maybe even intriguing at times. It' been my
experience that the Vort Collective has often been adept at speculating at
great length about world events including what the future may hold for us.
Much of what is in these two conversations is not likely to shock many. Much
of it is simply ground already treaded, though perhaps from a different or
unusual perspective. On the other hand, others may simply find the
transcripts, particularly the subjective/mythological-laced aspects,
downright preposterous... and why in God's name did I feel compelled to post
it here - a science oriented discussion group! (I'll explain my reasoning at
the conclusion of these posts.) Be that as it may, either conclusion is
perfectly appropriate - to ponder or to discard.


In my experience, the very nature of evaluating "channeled" information,
particularly the quality of what is spoken or written down, is a highly
subjective experience. For the duration of the conversation there exists a
unique relationship between the channel-er and the channel-e. It is not
surprising that in our western oriented objectively obsessed society it
might not be considered productive to conduct channeled conversations
regarding matters of science, the laws of physics and quantum mechanics...
or perhaps what Andrea Rossi might be up to. All I can say is that in my
experience, the vast majority of channeled sessions that I've participated
in have invariably been thought provoking. There have been occasions when
the ensuing conversation, in the psychological sense, pulled me out of my
boxed-in frame of reference and into unfamiliar psychological territory. To
have been occasionally transported (and sometimes pushed) into unfamiliar
landscapes has in itself made the majority of such discourse worthwhile, at
least for me. Of course, actual mileage may vary among individuals. ;-)


So-called "channeled" information must at all times be carefully evaluated
by the client. The very nature of how "channeled" information is allegedly
transmitted means that impressions perceived are constantly being filtered
through the personality of the channeler. One should therefore always employ
one's inner wisdom when evaluating the quality of what is being said. There
is always the potential for introducing inaccuracies or misinterpretations.
It is unwise to perceive channeled information as infallible scripture, or
worse, direct manna from the gods. IT ISN'T! Beings, or conscious gestalts,
in whatever reality they may currently hang out in are still entitled to
misinterpreting circumstances and events, and even making stupid mistakes!
;-) Therefore, not to personally evaluate the content of channeled
information would be to defeat the purpose of learning the art of
discernment. I repeat: Mistakes and/or misinterpretations can occasionally
be introduced. It is up to the client to acquire the ability to discern


In my experience the nature of entering into a channeled conversation with a
channeler is to assist the client in their personal growth in ways and means
that are most appropriate to them. Because each person has unique
perceptions, needs, and goals, sessions can and do change over time. A good
channeler (a good Witch Doctor) constantly customizes the session at every
moment in time to the client's unique needs.


But enuf about my personal take on so-called channeled information. What
about Rossi!


I should note here that the initial March 5, 2011 Witch Doctor transcript
focuses primarily on the human, economic, and political ramifications of the
Rossi Effect. Its place within a European historical context is explored.
Technical details pertaining to what allegedly causes the Rossi Effect, as
best as can be "interpreted" by the Witch Doctor's own knowledge base, will
be discussed in greater detail in the follow-up transcript, dated June 9,
2011. Some of the Witch Doctor's interpretations pertaining to the Rossi
Effect struck me as possessing a reasonable amount of physics, enough to
warrant investigation. Apparently, it already has been in unexpected places
- for decades.


And now, on with the transcripts.


Next Post: 


The Witch Doctor on Rossi (2 of 4) - Interview Transcript March 5 2011




Steven Vincent Johnson

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